Large attachments are rejecting

We limit the size of all attachments on the server to 25MB.  This much higher than what other providers allow.  So even if you are able to send and receive emails with attachments up to 25MB this does not mean other people will be able to send or receive attachments this big.

Here are some of the other providers and what they allow:

  • Comcast = 10 meg
  • Hotmail = 10 meg
  • Earthlink = 10 meg
  • Yahoo! = 10 meg (Yahoo! Mail Plus limit = 20 meg)
  • AOL = 16 meg
  • Google's Gmail = 25 meg
  • Verizon = 20 meg (Verizon Web interface limit = 8 meg)

These sizes may change without notice.

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2014-06-18 13:00:52
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